When? Jan 6 - Feb 7 and Feb 10 - Mar 14
For how long? 5-week commitments
How often? Choose either 1 or 2 sessions per week
Where? GO PHYSIO; 655 Fairview Ave N. St. Paul 55104
For the past 8 years, GO PHYSIO has been laser focused on two things: Physical Therapy and Bike Fitting. They go well together! Over the years I have received requests for exercise and strength programming that does not fit into the category of Physical Therapy. I heard you. So here we go!
Assess your fitness (mobility, stability, strength…)
Establish goals
Create a program that is specific to you
Get to work
Available Times?
-Time slots will be FCFS
-Your time slot will always be the same (eg. Mon and Wed at 6am)
-Monday through Thursday
-6am, 7am, and 8am; lasting approximately 50 minutes
-2x/week clients will choose M/W or T/Th (provides “rest day” between sessions)
Are there showers?
-Yes! There are 2 private showers in both restrooms
-BYOSoap :)
Do you accept HSA/FSA?
-Contact your insurance company to ask if they cover non-PT services provided by a Physical Therapist
-I am happy to provide receipts
-1-on-1 = $90 per session
-Want to train with a friend? $65 ea. per session
-The 5-weeks are prepaid in order to maximize accountability