Bike Fitting

A bike fitting optimizes the relationship between a bicycle and its rider. It includes a physical assessment, an on-the-bike analysis, and a series of modifications to improve your bike/body connection. We fit all types of bikes and all types of bodies. And in case you are wondering, WE FIT E-BIKES!

GO PHYSIO is unique because Paulie is a PT, a bike fitter, and a longtime cyclist who used to suffer from severe back pain on the bike. This mix of personal and professional experience makes him educated, empathetic, and knowledgeable.

What to Expect

A GO PHYSIO Basic Bike Fitting consists of a ~90-minute appointment, including an interview, objective evaluation, cycling assessment, and modifications. 

When you arrive for your scheduled appointment, we’ll put your bike on a static trainer and obtain initial measurements. We’ll discuss your activity level, background, main complaints on the bike, and goals. Next is a hands-on assessment in which we test your strength and range of motion to determine your potential on the bike. We’ll send you home with suggested exercises based on your assessment. 

Next, you’ll get on your bike! After observing you ride, taking key measurements, and hearing your feedback, we’ll make adjustments. You’ll likely get on and off your bike several times as we tweak the fit and possibly swap out parts. We keep a selection of stems, seatposts, and other parts on hand that you have the option to buy as part of your fit. Once we’ve achieved your optimal fit, final measurements of the bike are recorded for your future reference. 

After our appointment, your job is to go ride your bike. A free follow-up appointment is included within 30 days to address minor issues that persisted from the initial fitting.

Do I also need physical therapy?

Although all GO PHYSIO bike fittings are performed by a physical therapist, there are times when a bike fitting alone may not be adequate to address your needs. If you’re dealing with pain both on and off the bike, we recommend a Medical Bike Fitting. In addition to everything you get with a Basic Bike Fitting, this type of appointment includes a formal Physical Therapy Evaluation, special tests, and possible medical diagnoses.

To learn more about GO PHYSIO’s PT services, click here.

Bike Fitting Video with Trenton from The Filthy 50 and The DAMn